TR Training & Enablement VT TT CT Cy DT SC CS HZ UC
MA Marketing Services Br Ly Ev
FS Financial Solutions Ax Cx XS SF TA
LS Logistic Services EW Bu Cu RL La DP PD Sw FF
PY Partner Connectivity Ws Ft EDI xml eI oT API
PS Professional Services Ay TS In OP PoC RaL Wy RPA
CE Cloud Ecosystem GtM CM IO IL IM IC Rev WAF FTR CAF
MD Managed Services LM SP MN
LC LifeCycle Services Re ID Rm RG

SWAP Services

Defective devices at the customer – we can organize advance replacement

Target Group

Every reseller


End customers often cannot wait for repairs when confronted with defects. This is because IT is often critical to business and it is vital for operations not to come to a standstill, for instance infrastructure in the computer centre involves mobile devices on which field service staff crucially depend.

The Ingram Micro Solution

We stock devices, components and spare parts for our partners and organize advance replacement so that end customers receive replacement equipment promptly in the event of failures or damage. We also keep many components in stock beyond their normal life cycle. In this way, partners can assure the end customer that their configurations will also continue reliably if the replacement product is no longer available on the open market.

Your Benefit

You can deliver replacements quickly to your customers, while enhancing your reputations as a reliable partner without having to worry about the individual process steps.

Contact person

Anja Krabbe

Manager Customer Care & Communication